We are here to stay.

Jifram is here to stay.
Show Video Transcript

Interesting, Jifram, very difficult name to say, but Jifram is an acronym that stands for Jim, Frank, and Merlin. They’re the first three original partners in Jifram almost 36 years ago. Eventually Jim bought out his two partners, Frank and Merlin, and Jim became the sole owner. So it’s a family run business. Jim sadly passed away a couple years ago, and the business has been passed on to his two sons. So we’re a family run business. Now second generation has taken over, and we have third generation involved as we speak. So we run this company as an ongoing concern, looking to pass it down from second generation to third generation. And I think it’s important that people know that. And why do I think that’s important? Because they need to understand that we’re here today. We’re going to be here tomorrow. In the era of buyouts and consolidations, we’re not getting caught up in that. Our goal is to pass this on to the third generation.